Recently I have been looking for a sativa that makes me feel more creative, without the paranoia I often get with a sativa. Creative block is such a buzz kill, but for me finding the right flower can spark a lot of new ideas ( pun intended ;) ). Jack Herer has been the solution for me. I picked up the Orchid vape cartridge from prc just to test it out and I was really impressed. Sativas can tend to make me feel anxious, but this really just made me feel really focused and inspired to create something. I design clothing and after hitting my vape the creative juices were flowing- I have a whole new line drafted up! If you're a creative or even a college student, Jack Herer is definitely a strain you should try. Linked below is the cartridge that I use. What strains have you used to spark creativity?

Saw "Strains for Creativity" and literally Jack Herer is my go-to. Hands down I've noticed that more than any other strain I've tried lights up my insight/divergent thought
Corinne! I could not have said that better myself. Yes Yes and Yes. To your question of other Sativas that are best for creativity IMO is a true BLUE DREAM strain. Welcome to the PRC Forum Family!